To us, exceptional client service means responding to the diverse needs of our clients with a full range of top-quality, strategic legal solutions.

Alternative Fee Arrangements
Attracting clients and retaining them and their successor generations has been the dominant strategy of our firm throughout its rich history. Pedersen attorneys focus on providing sophisticated legal services at a compelling value that help our clients manage risk, overcome obstacles and create meaningful benefits to our clients. We are open to discussing alternative fee arrangements with our clients.
Straight hourly billing may not always be the best measure of our ability to deliver optimal results. We will work with you to establish mutually agreeable, cost-effective alternative fee arrangements that reflect your particular situation – and meet your objectives. We offer blended rates, fixed fees, capped fees and various incentive arrangements either in lieu of or as complimentary components of an overall plan to control costs without compromising results. Pedersen also offers discounts based on the volume of work assigned.
Collaboratively with our clients, we develop alternative fee arrangements on specific matters based upon our shared understanding of the particular business and legal goals. We understand our clients' paramount need to predict legal expenses accurately and deliver services within budget. Having served as both outside and in-house counsel, Pedersen attorneys understand the importance of developing a legal and financial plan at the outset of a matter to assure that we meet our clients' goals. Our knowledge of our clients' issues/industries and our legal experience demarcate our attorneys along with our ability to deliver these services at competitive prices whether through traditional or alternative pricing arrangements.
We are fully accountable to our clients, providing regular estimates and detailed statements to help you forecast, budget, manage and contain costs over time regardless of the format a client chooses. We staff our teams at appropriate levels to best meet your needs in a cost-effective and efficient manner.
Pedersen attorneys are committed to remaining proactive to suggesting alternative fee arrangements to our clients whenever the situation warrants. As part of this, we are happy to put together an early case or transaction assessment plan to be reviewed with you so that there is agreement on how costs will be controlled as well as discuss opportunities for early resolution and potential additional legal cost savings in many instances.